Practice Areas

  • Jurisdiction
  • Divorce, legal separation, nullity
  • Procedural issues
  • Discovery
  • Attorney fees
  • Taxes
  • Domestic violence
  • Mediation
Property Division
  • Business interests
  • Real property
  • Stock and stock options
  • Hard to value assets
  • Debts
  • Community and separate property
Spousal Support
  • Amount
  • Duration
  • Modification
  • Marital standard of living
  • Earning capacity
  • Tax consequences
Child Support
  • Amount
  • Modification
  • Collection/enforcement
  • Arrears
  • Earning capacity
  • Guidelines
Child Custody
  • Child custody/730 evaluations
  • Best interests of the child
  • Modifications
  • Move away/relocation
  • Substance abuse
  • Parent alienation
  • Paternity
  • Grandparentsโ€™ rights
  • Creative solutions
  • Private adoption
  • Domestic adoption
  • Stepparent adoption
  • Open adoption
  • Closed adoption
  • Adult adoption
  • Gestational surrogacy
  • In vitro fertilization births
  • Assisted reproduction
  • Egg donation